2023-06-25 IX Congreso Internacional de Geotecnia Ambiental l “Artisanal and small-scale mining and waste: geotechnical and geoenvironmental aspects” IX Congreso Internacional de Geotecnia Ambiental l “Artisanal and small-scale mining and waste: geotechnical and geoenvironmental aspects” junio 25, 2023 / 8:00 am - junio 28, 2023 / 5:00 pm IX Congreso Internacional de Geotecnia Ambiental l “Artisanal and small-scale mining and waste: geotechnical and geoenvironmental aspects” El congreso 9ICEG Lugar; Chania, en la isla de Creta en Grecia, Fecha 25 y el 28 de junio de 2023.
2023-06-25 IX Congreso Internacional de Geotecnia Ambiental l “Artisanal and small-scale mining and waste: geotechnical and geoenvironmental aspects” IX Congreso Internacional de Geotecnia Ambiental l “Artisanal and small-scale mining and waste: geotechnical and geoenvironmental aspects”
2023-06-25 IX Congreso Internacional de Geotecnia Ambiental l “Artisanal and small-scale mining and waste: geotechnical and geoenvironmental aspects”
2023-06-25 IX Congreso Internacional de Geotecnia Ambiental l “Artisanal and small-scale mining and waste: geotechnical and geoenvironmental aspects”
junio 25, 2023 / 8:00 am - junio 28, 2023 / 5:00 pm IX Congreso Internacional de Geotecnia Ambiental l “Artisanal and small-scale mining and waste: geotechnical and geoenvironmental aspects”
junio 25, 2023 / 8:00 am - junio 28, 2023 / 5:00 pm IX Congreso Internacional de Geotecnia Ambiental l “Artisanal and small-scale mining and waste: geotechnical and geoenvironmental aspects”
junio 25, 2023 / 8:00 am - junio 28, 2023 / 5:00 pm IX Congreso Internacional de Geotecnia Ambiental l “Artisanal and small-scale mining and waste: geotechnical and geoenvironmental aspects”
junio 25, 2023 / 8:00 am - junio 28, 2023 / 5:00 pm IX Congreso Internacional de Geotecnia Ambiental l “Artisanal and small-scale mining and waste: geotechnical and geoenvironmental aspects”